Aug 6, 2021


Our security development team is excited to release an additional open-source Sentinel Playbook. This playbook, available on #github uses Azure Logic Apps to automate scanning entities with SpiderFoot to gain opensource intelligence insights. This playbook is available through our GitHub Repo::

Our repo includes this playbook and other orchestration solutions across various technology stacks.

Arbala offers services to customize solutions to meet your organizations needs as well as services to develop automation with other Azure Sentinel and security apps. Contact us for more information:

#infosecurity #securityoperationscenter #spiderfoot #azuresentinel #azurelogicapps #arbala #github #azurelogicapps #sentinel #azure




Written by Accelerynt

Accelerynt is a leading Managed Detection, Security, and Dynamics 365 provider. Founded by a team of cybersecurity, IT and Dynamics 365 Professionals.

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